Thursday, September 18, 2014

It Was A Dark and Stormy Night, explained with the Fractal Expansion Wave Model

"It was a dark and stormy night", the famous quote from Edward Bulwer-Lytton's, 1830 novel Paul Clifford is one of the most emotionally influential opening lines in written history. That may or may not be accurate, given it's diverse use in the media, but the line certainly offers a sense of foreboding and an ominousness that prepares the reader or listener for feeling rather than a mere intake of words.

How did this happen? Why did those two specific words have a symbiotic relationship, an empathy-provoking spark of interest?

When a thought is initially pondered-on a sphere of energy is created in the astral and a synapse occurs in our brain. This is the moment of communication between our astral level imagination and the physical synaptic spark that creates our unique perception of the physical world. The speed of our creativity, our internal discourse, our emotions, our neurophysical response all depend on the number of neuronal connections and the amount of neurochemical reaction sites or receptors are on the neurons themselves.

Astrally this process is a fractal-like expanding series of spheres. They vary in size, color, density, energy level, and karmic value. Each successive astral ball is an option for any possible future; most connections are discounted immediately (and either stored as a failed option, or no longer of value). As the fractal narrows it's options to relatively few paths (indicating the highest probability for success) the energy increase creates a sphere of astral energy strong enough to have an associated synapse in the brain. These synapses are thought options that enter into the mental workspace to be decided on in real-time.

To answer the initial question:
How do those two particular words, dark and stormy, bring out an exceptional feeling?
Memory is accessed in the fractal-esque pattern also - the connections between astral and physical occur in memory as well (not just future memory). As we narrow our search in the physical realm, the associate astral connections fire into being. In the case of dark and stormy both pathways energize each other because "dark" is only one degree of separation from stormy. Dark has a particular path that engenders ominous memories. Stormy has "dark" as a subset and can also invoke terrifying memories. The combination of energies from the memory of fear, dark, storms, death - could all be energized simultaneously because they are so near each other on those particular pathways.

The pattern of energies is an increasingly strong pathway of sphere after sphere, spheres could go in any direction but only the successful paths remain energized. If a path crosses another path it immediately adds much more energy to the astral memory sphere resulting in the activation of a synaptic spark in the physical.

Creating a phrase like "a jubilant celebration" or when you add "delicious" to the name of your favorite food, it adds emotional value to the communication. Other than word choice, we've learned to use our facial patterns, eye direction/eye contact, voice intonation, body language, cadence, etc to communicate meaning. Because the creation process happens in the astral all thoughts blossom out on all sides of the initial wondering. This explains the ability to instantaneously interconnect all sources at our disposal.

It was a dark and stormy night; the only light sparking in neurons.

It was a dark and stormy night, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.

Oh what fun we'll have!

Jerald K. Bland, M.A.

A very personal sidenote:
My Tibetan name is Gyalwa Rinpoche Gyatso Tensin Sherab.
This is my first time sharing this name since it was bestowed upon me "when I could find it" by Lama Tenpa Gyeltzen whom I met in Tucson Arizona. I re-discovered this name throughout 2014, beginning with January 25th, 2014.

The changes occurring on this planet right now are astounding; I urge you to take some time for yourself. Feel your intuition. Share with friends, do something you love.

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